Broga Hills

Ok fined me for not updating the blog…..sadly my passion on blogging have faded since workload is getting higher like mount Everest past few month…but luck is on my side…(keje dah kurang siket…..) so can update few post….
(Eh cam byk jek new post la actually)
Ok this time nk story bout this hills.To be more specific...BROGA Hills ....Went there with my dearies....Wawa & fyr was past 2years i guess...back before we were married & have baby adelya...kuikuik (see how long was it??) I was always wanted to see & measure my skills on climbing....bekas atlit kan target was mount kinabalu..but i know i could be a dream for now....After seeing Wawa photos climbing the Broga...i was excited to tell dear that i wanna go there...**date & time we go..

Wawa there before 7pm if u wish to see sun rise....ok la lambat jugak sampai coz its a long journey for us from wangsa maju....then meet wawa at half of the way....sampai sampai sana..tgk dh byk kerete parking...ramai nye starting the journey off to the top...(since dah ade cahaya matahari..-yes x sempat nk tgk sun rise pon) so xyah la nk pakai lampu suluh bagai.......for normal will take 45 mins to reach at first hill...n we took almost 1 hour i think-or more???...hahha....dont blame was not because of the fitness but we stop to take photos...lalala......the most challenging part was to climb up the hills...n it was like a 70-80 degree up& with the speed of wind...fuyooooo...mmg mencabar.... tp dlm penat2 tu sempat g snap few photos...hahaha....& reached at the was a breathtaking view....cantiknye....& the wind is soo hard...lepaking there was awesone..sambil sempat berkelah tau...n few group with guitar...(see bwk guitar lagi) ....sambil lepak sambil dgr lagu...owh heaven

I believe Broga hill has become a high trending to all climbers (or non like me....) ..even Dr SMS pre wedd shoot was taken there....gile kene fit nak naik hills then looking good to take photos......the numbers of people climbing were as many as people in the mall..heheh...(ok ayat propa) but ramai la...some said...penah gak traffic jam kat atas if u havent try it..go for life time experience sebb nk naik mount KK if agak impossible coz nk kn buat fitness training Broga jek...xyah excersise xpe kot...hehe....nah tgk ler pix tuh.....

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